Adipose tissue – an essential type of connective tissue made up of fat cells. Often referred to as “body fat.” This tissue performs many functions, including releasing hormones, regulating body temperature, cushioning body organs and storing energy. It is an essential endocrine organ. There are different types of adipose tissue, all of which perform different and essential functions.
Bariatric Surgery – also known as metabolic surgery – refers to a set of surgical procedures performed to improve or manage the outcomes of obesity and its associated health conditions.
Biological system – the complex networks within living organisms such as the nervous system and immune system.
BMI (Body Mass Index) – is a simple way to measure if weight falls into a category which is generally recognised as healthy in relation to height. It’s calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in square meters. However, it’s important to remember that BMI isn’t perfect. It doesn’t account for factors like muscle mass, and it doesn’t take into account other diseases which may be present, so it might not be accurate for everyone.
Body Composition – a term for the percentage or ratios of fat, bone and muscle in the body.
Chronic – in medical terms this means something that lasts for a long time. It’s the opposite of acute, which is a sudden, short-term illness or injury. A chronic illness is a long-term condition that doesn’t go away completely. It might have periods where symptoms are worse or better, but it’s always present and often has a significant and lasting impact on a person’s quality of life.
Cholesterol – There are 2 main types – High Density and Low Density – it plays a vital role, acting as a building block for cell membranes, helping to produce essential hormones and vitamin D.
DNA – (Deoxyribonucleic acid) – often called the blueprint of life, this molecule contains all the information to build and maintain a living organism. It carries information on everything from eye and hair colour to risk levels for certain diseases.
Endocrine – a term for a messaging system in the body that uses hormones to communicate and control various functions. The endocrine system sends chemical signals throughout the body to regulate things such as growth, metabolism, mood, and reproduction.
Epigenetics – the mechanism by which cells control gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. It’s like a dimmer switch for genes, controlling when and how much they are turned on or off. This regulation is influenced by environmental factors, such as diet and stress, and can even be passed down through generations.
Ethnicity – a shared cultural background between a group of people often based in shared language, traditions, heritage and history. Ethnicity is a multifaceted concept and how people identify within this conceptual framework can vary greatly.
Genes and Genetics – Genes are tiny bits of information found in every cell in the body, Genetics is the study of how different traits are passed between generations via the genes.
Health Inequality – unfair differences in the chance to access quality healthcare between different groups meaning not everyone has the same chance of being healthy.
Hypertension – also known as high blood pressure – when the force of the blood against the walls of the arteries is consistently too high – it can increase the risk of strokes or heart attacks.
Insulin Resistance – When the cells in the body cannot respond to chemical signals to enable them to let fuel in to power them.
Insulin Sensitivity – the extent to which the cells “accept” the hormone insulin, allowing them to take on fuel in the form of glucose, to be used for energy. Increased insulin sensitivity is positive and the opposite of insulin resistance.
Metabolic – anything related to the chemical processes in the body essential to survival. Some metabolic processes include – digestion, breathing, growing new cells, waste removal.
Metabolic Surgery – sometimes referred to as bariatric surgery – refers to a set of surgical procedures performed to improve or manage the outcomes of obesity and its associated health conditions, often and particularly Type 2 Diabetes
Metabolism – The engine that keeps the machine running – turning food into fuel for the cells, creating energy and heat in the body, building cells, burning waste.
Microbiome – A vast collection of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) that live in and on the body. Microbiomes exist in the gut, the skin, the mouth and even the lungs.
Multidisciplinary – A team made up of different experts – it may include a doctor, a surgeon, a dietician, a psychologist and others.
Nervous System – The communication network of the body. The brain and spinal chord are the command centres, receiving information and sending out instructions. It controls movement and all the senses, regulates heart rate, breathing, temperature and digestion and enables thought and emotion.
Pharmacological – relating to drugs, their actions and effects on the body.
Physiological responses – the automatic responses which occur within the body in reaction to a stimulus. These changes are controlled by the nervous system, which operates without conscious control.
Psychosocial – the complex interplay between psychological (relating to the individual mind, emotions, and behaviour) and wider external social factors, such as society and culture. These two aspects influence and interact with each other.
Risk Factor – Something which increases the chances of a negative outcome.
Socio-political – The complex system of interaction and influence between society and governments or policy.
Sedentary – a term meaning minimal physical activity.
Type 2 Diabetes or T2D – a chronic condition where the body can not use insulin correctly, affecting how the body regulates blood sugar
Weight management teams – These teams can be made up of specialist doctors, specialist nurses, nutritionists, dieticians, psychologists, physical therapists and surgeons.
“Obesity is the biggest disease of mankind. Your self-confidence is low and you become mentally sick.”
Jackky Bhagnani, Indian Bollywood actor and film producer